Director NAFSORB Scientific Services


Postdoc Fellow (Stem Cells Biology)

PhD (Stem Cells Biology)

Certified WordPress Developer

Dr. Nadia Wajid is a highly dedicated and passionate to make a positive impact on society. With a strong background in teaching, research, and entrepreneurship, she is committed to serving the community in multiple ways. As an educator, Dr. Wajid is enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge and expertise with students of all ages and backgrounds. She is equally comfortable in both traditional classroom settings and online environments, and her teaching style is known for being engaging, interactive, and student-centered.

In addition to her teaching work, Dr. Wajid is a detail-oriented and creative researcher who specializes in stem cells and regenerative medicine. Her research focuses primarily on the management and treatment of skin burn injuries, an area of great importance and relevance to society. Dr. Wajid’s expertise in this field has led her to establish NAFSORB Scientific Services, a platform that aims to provide literary, marketing, and legal services to the scientific community. Through NAFSORB, Dr. Wajid is not only fulfilling her entrepreneurial vision, but also contributing to the development of science and research in a meaningful way.

However, for Dr. Wajid, NAFSORB is more than just a scientific services platform. It is also a platform for advocating for social issues related to science. She believes that the arts and humanities are just as important as science and technology in shaping the fate of nations. As a society, we need to acknowledge the crucial role that literature and other cultural pursuits play in our collective growth and development. Dr. Wajid believes that teachers are the pillars of society, and that they have a vital responsibility in shaping the minds and characters of future generations. Through her work as a teacher, researcher, and entrepreneur, Dr. Wajid is making a significant contribution to society and inspiring others to do the same.

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